

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Update v. 5.1 Available

We are very glad to announce that updated Bookviser (v 5.1) is finally in the Windows Phone Store. This release took longer than you (and we) expected because of our decision to totally rework the app. So far we are glad with the result but keeping our fingers crossed that update goes smoothly and you like the new app too. Big thank you to all beta-testers and translators! You guys rock!

New in v 5.1
- Better page-turning animation
- New and better “quick settings” menu
- Option to add on-page indicators: battery, time, page number and reading progress bar
- Designation of progress in the chapter
- And lots of other new features – have  look at
- New and better “quick” settings menu
- New and more realistic page-turning animation
- SD card support
- Option to add on-page indicators: battery, time, page number and reading progress bar
- Designation of progress in the chapter
- Highlights and notes
- Translation of snippets of text
- Custom categories
- Transparent tile support
- Automatic syncing between Windows Phone, Windows 8 devices
- Automatic backup to Bookviser.com

Download links:

Bookviser eBook Reader for Windows Phone
Bookviser eBook Reader for Windows 8

UPDATE: Some users report problems with books opening and general app lagging after update.Solution is to reinstall the app.


  1. Love love love the work you guys do!

    Unfortunately, after updating the app today I noticed none of the epubs I import from OneDrive are working --they're completely blank. Just wanted to let you guys know!

    I recommend this app to ALL of my customers who use Kindle or Nook, Bookviser stomps them both!

    1. Hi,

      Thank you for your feedback and sorry for this issue. Re-installing the app should solve this problem. Please let us know if it doesn't help.

  2. Apreciados amigos,
    Intento darme de alta y crear una cuenta pero, aunque marque la opción crear cuenta, siempre me pide nombre de usuario y password, como si ya estuviera registrado, pero no lo estoy.
    ¿Me podéis ayudar?
    Por favor, ¿Cual es la opción para crear una cuenta?
    Muchas gracias,

